

  • Tanya Gow
  • Malcolm Rogerson
  • Valerie Thomas



Lobbying all levels of government across Canada involves engaging with elected officials and their staff, as well as civil servants, to advocate for a particular policy or issue. This can include writing letters, making phone calls, attending meetings, and organizing events. It is important to be aware of the rules and regulations that govern lobbying activities in each jurisdiction.

Lobbying the general public across Canada involves engaging with citizens to raise awareness about an issue or policy and encourage them to take action. This can include creating campaigns on social media, hosting events, distributing flyers or petitions, and engaging in grassroots organizing. It is important to ensure that any messaging used is accurate and respectful of different perspectives.



We understand that our mission is to provide services and products that benefit the community, not to make a profit. We will strive to ensure that all of our activities are conducted in an ethical manner and with the highest standards of integrity. We will not engage in any activity that would be considered unethical or illegal, nor will we seek to exploit any individuals or groups for financial gain. Our focus is on providing quality services and products that benefit the community, not on making a profit.