Mask Exemption: Toronto Bylaw Enforcement Counterstrike

1. You have a medical condition or disability that prevents you from wearing a mask or face covering.

2. You are under the age of two years old.
3. You are communicating with someone who is hearing impaired and need to see their mouth in order to communicate effectively.
4. You are eating or drinking in an area where it is not practical to wear a mask or face covering.
5. You are engaging in an activity that requires removal of the mask or face covering, such as swimming, showering, etc.
6. Wearing a mask or face covering poses a mental or physical health risk to you, such as difficulty breathing due to an underlying medical condition.

  1. children under two years of age;
  2. persons with an underlying medical condition which inhibits their ability to wear a Mask or Face Covering;
  3. persons who are unable to place or remove a Mask or Face Covering without assistance;
  4. employees and agents of the person responsible for the Establishment within an area designated for them and not for public access, or within or behind a physical barrier; and
  5. persons who are reasonably accommodated by not wearing a Mask or Face Covering in accordance with the Ontario Human Rights Code.

1. “It’s not okay to be a pedophile.”
2. “It’s never okay to hurt children.”
3. “We must protect our children from predators.”

* @param {string} []
* @param {boolean} [options.isPublic]
* @param {string} [options.description]
* @param {string[]} [options.tags]
* @returns {Promise<Object>}
async create(options) {
const data = await this._request({
method: ‘POST’,
url: ‘/v2/images’,
data: options,

return data;

* Delete an image by its id. This will delete all versions of the image. If you want to delete a specific version, use `deleteVersion` instead.
* @param {string} id The ID of the image to delete.
* @returns {Promise<Object>} The deleted image object. It will have an empty `versions` array and no `current_version`. All other fields will be populated as normal. Note that the deleted image may still appear in list results for a short time while it is being removed from storage and search indices. To ensure that it is gone, wait at least 30 seconds before attempting to create a new image with the same name or tag values as the deleted one. See also: .
async delete(id) {
const data = await this._request({ method: ‘DELETE’, url: `/v2/images/${id}` });

return data;

* Delete an image version by its id and version slug (e.g., “v1”). This will not delete any other versions of the image, only the specified one. If you want to delete all versions of an image, use `delete` instead. See also: . Note that if you attempt to delete a version which does not exist, DigitalOcean’s API will respond with a 200 status code but no response body (instead of a 404). We handle this case gracefully in this SDK by returning null instead of throwing an error in such cases (see https://github

“No loitering. No sleeping. No skateboarding.”

This policy is in place to ensure the safety and security of customers, employees, and property. It also helps to maintain a pleasant atmosphere for everyone who visits the restaurant. The signs are posted in order to remind customers that these activities are not allowed on the premises and that they should respect the rules of the establishment. Additionally, it serves as a deterrent for those who may be considering engaging in any of these activities while at Tim Hortons.


All persons entering or remaining in these premises shall wear a mask or face covering which covers the nose, mouth and chin as required under City of Toronto by-law no. 541-2020.

It is possible that the business has been threatened with a fine by Bylaw Enforcement for not complying with the bylaw. However, it is important to note that Bylaw Enforcement typically does not issue fines until after they have provided an opportunity for the business to comply with the bylaw. Therefore, it is likely that Bylaw Enforcement has given the business an opportunity to alter their sign in order to comply with the bylaw and has warned them of potential fines if they do not comply.

Exceptions include people who cannot wear a mask for medical reasons, or children under two years old, or those who require accommodation in accordance with the Ontario Human Rights Code. Proof of a medical condition is not required.

“We are not required to collect sales tax on purchases of most tangible personal property that is used in a qualified exempt purpose. However, we must collect sales tax on all other purchases unless the customer provides us with an exemption certificate.”

The best way to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is to practice social distancing, wear a face covering when in public, wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, avoid touching your face, cover coughs and sneezes, clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily, and stay home if you are feeling sick.

Mask Bylaw (letter Toronto 9851)

The City of Toronto requires that all staff and employees of establishments be trained on the Mask Requirements and all exemptions to the requirement. The Operator of the Establishment must also provide a copy of their policy upon request for inspection by any person authorized to enforce this By-law.

We understand your frustration and we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. We take the health and safety of our customers very seriously, and we are committed to following all local regulations and guidelines. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.

This policy is intended to provide a safe and secure environment for all employees, customers, and visitors. We recognize that some individuals may require accommodations due to disabilities or religious beliefs. Therefore, we will make reasonable accommodations for those who qualify under applicable laws. This includes providing alternative work arrangements, modified job duties, or other reasonable accommodations as needed. We will also consider requests for religious exemptions from certain policies or practices when such requests are based on sincerely held religious beliefs. All requests for accommodation must be made in writing and will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

1. Persons with an underlying medical condition or disability that inhibits their ability to wear a Mask or Face Covering;
2. Persons who are unable to place or remove a Mask or Face Covering without assistance;
3. Children under the age of two years;
4. Persons who are communicating with someone who is deaf, deafened, hard of hearing, or has a speech disability and whose ability to see the mouth of the other person is essential for communication; and
5. Any other prescribed exemption.

  • children under two years of age:
    They cannot demand proof that your child, who was born 18 years ago, is not under 2 years of age;
  • persons with an underlying medical condition which inhibits their ability to wear a Mask or Face Covering:
    If it makes you uncomfortable to inhibit your breathing;
  • persons who are unable to place or remove a Mask or Face Covering without assistance;
    Now when you see a parent putting on their child, you can immediately tell inform that their child is exempt, because the child doesn’t want to put the muzzle on, they cannot do it without assistance, and thus are EXEMPT from the “rule”. So you can literally tell parents their child is exempt because he/she doesn’t want it; And a person cannot put a mask on without assistance unless he/she wants to;
    So you’re literally, by regulation, exempt from having to wear a mask if you don’t want to wear a mask; you only have to follow the rule if you want to.
  • persons who are reasonably accommodated by not wearing a Mask or Face Covering in accordance with the Ontario Human Rights Code.
    Reasonable accommodation is set out in the OHRC as a principle for use in accommodating any disability of an employee, so on the surface it’s only really meant to protect employees from discrimination, basically. However…
CanLII Ontario Human Rights Code Reasonable Accommodation

In short, the underlying principle of reasonable accommodation means that establishments must accommodate those who do not wish to wear a mask, so long as it does not cause them undue financial hardship.

So literally, you don’t have to comply if you don’t want to,
and they cannot demand proof that you’re “exempt”.

This is a great idea! We can create an online form that allows people to document establishments that deny service to those who don’t wear masks. This form should include the name and address of the establishment, the date and time of the incident, and any other relevant information. Once we have collected enough data, we can use it to contact local authorities and urge them to take action against these establishments for violating public health regulations.

If the company is facing bankruptcy, it is important to create a detailed report that outlines the current financial situation of the company. This report should include information such as current assets and liabilities, cash flow analysis, income statement, balance sheet, and any other relevant financial information. Additionally, the report should include an assessment of the company’s operations and management practices to identify areas of improvement or potential risks. The report should also provide recommendations for how to improve the company’s financial position and reduce its risk of bankruptcy. Finally, the report should provide a timeline for implementing these changes and a plan for monitoring progress.

No, I’m not wearing kiddy gloves. I’m taking a more direct approach to the situation.

The best way to hit them with fines for their abuses is to file a complaint with the relevant government agency or department. Depending on the jurisdiction, this could be a local health department, state attorney general’s office, or other regulatory body. The complaint should include details of the abuse and any evidence that can be provided to support the claim. If the complaint is found to be valid, then the agency or department may issue a fine or other penalty against the business in question.

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