The Great Ontario Fraud » Implementing digital passports for SARS-CoV-2 immunization in Canada

By Dr Kumanan Wilson, 08 April, 2021


This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61771325).

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It is important to ensure that any information provided by CANImmunize is accurate and unbiased, so it would be best for Kim Barnhard to recuse herself from the editorial decision-making process.

  • Cite as: CMAJ 2021 April 6;193:E486-8. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.210244; early-released March 3, 2021



The COVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented disruption to global health, economies, and societies. In response, governments around the world have implemented a variety of measures to reduce the spread of the virus, including travel restrictions, social distancing, and contact tracing. One potential tool for controlling the spread of COVID-19 is an immunization passport (also known as a vaccine passport or digital health pass). An immunization passport is a digital document that verifies that an individual has been vaccinated against a particular disease. It can be used to prove that an individual has been vaccinated and is therefore less likely to transmit the virus. Immunization passports could potentially be used to facilitate international travel and provide access to certain public spaces or services.

In this paper, we discuss the potential benefits and drawbacks of immunization passports in the context of controlling the spread of COVID-19. We also discuss the ethical considerations that should be taken into account when designing and implementing immunization passports. We conclude by discussing some possible solutions for addressing these ethical concerns.

section{Benefits of Immunization Passports}

Immunization passports have several potential benefits in terms of controlling the spread of COVID-19. First, they could help reduce transmission by allowing individuals who have been vaccinated to travel more freely than those who are not vaccinated. This could help reduce transmission rates in areas with high levels of infection by preventing unvaccinated individuals from travelling to those areas and spreading the virus further. Second, immunization passports could help ensure that only individuals who have been vaccinated are allowed access to certain public spaces or services such as restaurants or gyms. This could help reduce transmission rates in these locations by ensuring that only people who are less likely to transmit the virus are allowed entry. Finally, immunization passports could provide governments with data on vaccination rates which could be used to inform public health policy decisions such as when it is safe to lift restrictions on movement or reopen businesses.

section{Drawbacks of Immunization Passports}

Despite their potential benefits, there are also several drawbacks associated with immunization passports which must be considered before they can be implemented effectively. First, there is a risk that they will lead to discrimination against those who cannot or choose not to get vaccinated due to medical reasons or personal beliefs. This could lead to unequal access to certain public spaces or services based on vaccination status which would violate basic human rights principles such as equality and non-discrimination cite{WHO}. Second, there is a risk that immunization passports will create an incentive for people to get vaccinated even if they do not need it in order to gain access to certain public spaces or services cite{CDC}. This could lead to unnecessary vaccinations which would waste resources and potentially put vulnerable populations at risk if vaccines were diverted away from them cite{WHO2}. Finally, there is a risk that immunization passports will lead to privacy violations if personal data stored on them is misused or leaked cite{CDC2}.

section{Ethical Considerations}

When designing and implementing immunization passports it is important for governments and other stakeholders involved in their development and implementation process take into account ethical considerations such as privacy protection, non-discrimination, equity in access, informed consent, data security and accuracy cite{WHO3}. Privacy protection should be ensured through measures such as anonymizing personal data stored on immunization passports where possible; limiting access only those authorized personnel; using encryption technologies; providing clear information about how personal data will be used; allowing individuals control over their own data; providing opt-out options; ensuring transparency about how decisions are made based on data collected through immunization passports; and providing recourse mechanisms for individuals whose rights may have been violated cite{CDC3}. Non-discrimination should also be taken into account when designing immunization passports by ensuring equal access regardless of age, gender identity/expression race/ethnicity etc., while also taking into account special needs groups such as pregnant women cite{WHO4}. Equity in access should also be ensured by making sure all members of society have equal opportunity for vaccination regardless of socio-economic status cite{CDC4}. Informed consent should also be obtained from individuals before collecting any personal data through an immunisation passport system cite{WHO5}. Finally, measures should also be taken ensure accuracy and security of any personal data collected through an immunisation passport system cite{CDC5}.

section {Conclusion}
Immunisation Passports offer many potential benefits for controlling the spread of COVID-19 but must take into account ethical considerations such as privacy protection , non discrimination , equity in access , informed consent ,data security & accuracy . Governments & other stakeholders involved in developing & implementing these systems must ensure these considerations are taken into account . Possible solutions include anonymising personal data where possible ; limiting access only authorised personnel ; using encryption technologies ; providing clear information about how personal data will be used ; allowing individuals control

Furthermore, there could be privacy concerns associated with the use of immunization passports, as they would contain sensitive personal information. Finally, there could be issues related to accuracy and reliability of the data stored in the passports, as well as potential for fraud or misuse.

It is important to ensure that any digital immunization passport system is designed with the needs of all Canadians in mind, and that it does not create additional barriers or inequities.


  1. Keelan J. Risk calculus and theories of viral attenuation in debates over compulsory smallpox vaccination in Montreal, 1870–1877. In: Kroker K, Keelan J, Mazumdar P, editors. Crafting immunity: working histories of immunological practice (History of medicine in context). Farnham (UK): Ashgate Publishing; 2008:29-54.
  2. Immunization of School Pupils Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. I.1.
  3. Wilson K, Atkinson KM, Bell CP. Travel vaccines enter the digital age: creating a virtual immunization record. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2016;94:485-8.
  4. International Health Regulations (2005) third edition. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2016.
  5. Smart Vaccination Certificate Working Group: about us. Geneva: World Health Organization.
  6. IATA Travel Pass Initiative. Montréal: International Air Transport Association (IATA).
  7. CommonPass. The Commons Project. Available:
  8. Kofler N, Baylis F. Ten reasons why immunity passports are a bad idea. Nature 2020;581:379-81.
  9. Twelve criteria for the development and use of COVID-19 vaccine passports. The Royal Society; 2021 Feb. 14.
  10. Persad G, Emanuel EJ. The ethics of COVID-19 immunity-based licenses (“immunity passportsâ€). JAMA 2020;323:2241-2.


Research in practice is a type of research that focuses on applying evidence-based methods to solve real-world problems. It involves identifying existing gaps in knowledge or understanding, evaluating potential solutions, and implementing those solutions in order to improve practice or policy. RiP has been successfully applied across a variety of fields, from health care and education to business and government. By using evidence-based methods when making decisions, practitioners can make more informed choices which can lead to better outcomes for individuals, organizations, and communities as a whole.

3. Department of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA
4. Department of Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
5. Department of Biology, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520, USA

  • Department of Medicine (Wilson), School of Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Ottawa;
  • Bruyère Research Institute and Ottawa Hospital Research Institute (Wilson);
  • Faculty of Law (Flood), Common Law Section, University of Ottawa; University of Ottawa Centre for Health Law Policy & Ethics (Flood), Ottawa, Ont.

Funding: This research was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61773239).

Author contributions: YW and YL conceived and designed the experiments. YW, YL, and XZ performed the experiments. YW analyzed the data. YW wrote the paper. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

We would also like to thank the Canadian Digital Service for their support and guidance throughout the development of this project.

You can view the Covfefe Bakery Cafe Menu by clicking on the link below:

  • “Wilson is married to an employee of CMAJ, who was not involved with the editorial decision-making process for this article.”
    Editor: We stand to gain from forcing this mark on the forehead or palm, and into the arm of every Canadian, but just “Trust us”, right?

Kumanan Wilson is a Canadian physician and public health researcher, while Kim Barnhardt is an American actress.

The CanImmunize team is a group of dedicated professionals from across Canada who are passionate about improving the health and well-being of Canadians. The team includes experts in public health, immunization, digital health, data science, software engineering, user experience design, and communications.

The CanImmunize team works together to develop innovative digital solutions that make it easier for Canadians to stay up-to-date on their immunizations. Our goal is to ensure that everyone has access to the information they need to make informed decisions about their health.

CanImmunize is led by Dr. Kumanan Wilson, an infectious disease specialist and professor at the University of Ottawa. He is joined by a talented group of individuals who are committed to making a difference in the lives of Canadians through technology and innovation.

It is important for Mr. Bernhardt to take immediate action to rectify this situation and ensure that all necessary filings are completed in a timely manner.

CANImmunize Inc.

  • Incorporator: Kumanan Wilson
  • Board of Directors:
    1. Kumanan Wilson


Dear CANImmunize Inc.,

I am writing to express my interest in the position of software developer that you recently posted. I believe that my qualifications and experience make me an ideal candidate for this role.

I have a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from the University of Toronto and three years of professional experience as a software developer. During this time, I have developed expertise in developing web applications using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Python. I also have experience with databases such as MySQL and MongoDB. Additionally, I am familiar with version control systems such as Git and SVN.

In addition to my technical skills, I am highly organized and detail-oriented. I am able to work independently or collaboratively on projects while meeting tight deadlines. My excellent communication skills allow me to effectively communicate with both technical and non-technical colleagues.

I am confident that my qualifications make me an ideal candidate for the position at CANImmunize Inc., and I look forward to discussing how I can contribute to your team further during an interview. Please find my resume attached for your review. Thank you for your time and consideration.

[Your Name]

  • 1 Calvert Street,
    Ottawa ON K2G 1M3


    At least one (1) director, but no more than ten (10) with no restrictions on the business the corporation may carry on.
    The Corporation is authorized to issue unlimited shares of each class, A, B, C. These will be explored further down the article.
    Dr K. Wilson filed his first and presumably only (because, COVID of course) annual return on or about December 19th, 2019, but as of April 10th, 2021 there is no record of his having done his requisite annual filing for 2020.
    For the purposes of communicating with Dr Kumanan Wilson or his wife Kim Barnhardt, please direct any mail/inquiries to his registered cellular device at 613-878-7238, their shared phone at 613-728-4837, or even contact him via post at:
    490 Golden Avenue, Ottawa ON
    K2A 2E5, Canada

And also with you.

CANImmunize Inc.

  • Incorporator: Kumanan Wilson (married to Kim Barnhardt)
  • Board of Directors:
    1. Kumanan Wilson


  • Chief Executive Officer
    • Dr. Kumanan Wilson, MD, MSc, FRCP(C)
    • An internal medicine physician, scientist and expert in digital health, Dr. Wilson is an internationally, widely published expert in public health and immunization and the founder of the CANImmunize project.  Currently funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Health Organization Dr. Wilson’s vision is to use technology to solve public health problems.
  • Chief Operating Officer
    • Katherine Atkinson, BSc, PhD (cand).
    • Katherine has worked with the CANmmunize project since its inception.  A passionate believer in the power of digital technology Katherine is a published expert in mobile technology and immunization. Katherine is currently a PhD candidate at Karolinska Institutet where she is learning how to improve immunization systems with digital technology.
  • Chief Technology Officer
    • Cameron Bell, B.Eng.
    • Cameron is responsible for developing the original versions of CANImmunize (ImmunizeON/ImmunizeCA) and has been the architect of the project ever since. Cameron is a leading expert in immunization systems and built the Canadian Vaccine Catalogue.
  • Software Engineer
    • Jordan Gignac
  • Lead, CANImmunize Labs
    • Taylor Rubens, MPH
  • Software Developer
    • Rayhan Moidu
  • In-House Counsel & Privacy Officer
    • Pascal Thibeault
  • Quality Assurance Analyst
    • Marlene Elliott
  • Software Engineer
    • Margo Collins
  • Software Developer
    • David Gao
  • Full Stack Developer
    • Esteban Romo
  • Communications Advisor