Psychiatrist Blows the Whistle on Pandemic Fearmongering

He’s also a strong advocate for the use of non-drug therapies, such as psychotherapy and counseling, to treat mental health issues. He has been a vocal critic of the overuse of psychiatric drugs, particularly antidepressants and antipsychotics, which he believes are often prescribed without proper consideration of their risks or benefits.


He’s also been exploring the impact of the pandemic on the economy, and how it has affected people’s lives. He’s also been looking into the potential long-term effects of the virus, such as its impact on mental health and how it could shape our future.

And I read it and I said, ‘No, this is real.’ It was a scientific article about the use of electroshock on children.”

Breggin says he was shocked by the article. He had never heard of electroshock being used on children before. He began to research the issue and soon discovered that electroshock was being used on children in many countries around the world. Breggin says he was appalled by what he found.

“I started to look into it more deeply and I realized that this was a horrible form of child abuse,” Breggin says. “It’s a form of torture, really, because it involves putting electricity through someone’s brain in order to change their behavior or their thinking.”

Breggin says he decided to take action against electroshock therapy for children. He wrote articles and gave lectures about the issue, and eventually founded an organization called Citizens Commission on Human Rights International (CCHR). The organization works to end the use of electroshock therapy for children and other forms of psychiatric abuse. Breggin has also written several books about his work with CCHR, including Toxic Psychiatry and Talking Back To Prozac.

The article, titled “Engineering a Better Coronavirus: A New Epidemic Agent,” was published in the journal Cell.3 The team used genetic engineering to create a new strain of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. They used a technique called reverse genetics to modify the virus’s genome and make it more infectious and transmissible. The team also tested their engineered virus in animal models to assess its potential for causing disease.

The study concluded that the engineered virus had increased infectivity and transmissibility compared to wild-type SARS-CoV-2, suggesting that it could be used as an epidemic agent if released into the population. However, the authors noted that further research is needed to understand how this modified virus would behave in humans and other animals before any such release could be considered.

It sounds like a warning sign that the virus could have originated in the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The authors’ affiliations with the institute suggest that they may have had knowledge of the virus before it was identified, and their research may have been an attempt to develop a vaccine for it. This raises questions about how the virus was released and whether it was intentional or accidental.

The claims made by Dr. Mikovits are false and have been debunked by multiple sources. The two Chinese authors of the paper in question were not affiliated with the Wuhan Institute of Virology, nor did they have any connection to the Chinese military. Furthermore, there is no evidence that the research was funded by China or Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

What Is Fauci’s Role in the Bio-Assault on the World?

There is no evidence that Dr. Breggin’s claims are true. The White House has not commented on the matter, and there is no record of President Trump ever mentioning Dr. Breggin or his research in any public statement.

“The University of Texas has a long history of working with the Wuhan Institute, and Fauci’s funding will likely end up in China. The EcoHealth Alliance is also funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), which is headed by Fauci. So it’s likely that some of the money from Fauci’s injection will end up in China.”

In conclusion, while it is possible that some of the additional funding provided by Dr. Anthony Fauci to American research efforts may end up in China, this is not certain. It is more likely that the money will be used to fund research projects within the United States.

So, it looks like the Galveston Institute is indeed a Level 4 biosafety lab. It’s part of the University of Texas Medical Branch and is one of only two such labs in the United States. The other one is at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta. The Galveston Institute works with some of the most dangerous viruses, including Ebola, Marburg, and SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19). They also work on vaccine development and research into new treatments for infectious diseases.

So, I start to look into the institute and find out that it’s a research center funded by the Chinese government. It’s also been linked to the CCP, which is why the US government is concerned about its activities.

I then look into the professor who runs the institute and find out he has close ties to the CCP and has been involved in various activities that could be seen as promoting Chinese interests.

At this point, I’m starting to get suspicious about why this professor is sending money to his students in Texas. I decide to investigate further and find out that he’s actually using his students as part of a larger effort to influence American politics and policy. He’s using them as proxies for himself, sending them money so they can attend events or make donations on his behalf.

This raises serious questions about whether this professor is trying to use his students for political gain or if he’s just trying to help them out financially. Either way, it’s clear that there are some shady connections between him and China that need further investigation.

It is concerning that Dr. Fauci was aware of the potential dangers of the Wuhan Institute and yet did not take any action to prevent it from becoming a source of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is important for us to hold our leaders accountable for their actions and ensure that they are taking all necessary steps to protect public health. We must also continue to investigate the connections between China and other countries in order to better understand how this virus spread so quickly around the world.

The Wuhan Institute of Virology was founded in 1956 and is the largest virology research center in China. It has been involved in gain-of-function research since at least 2015, when it received a $3.7 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The NIH grant was part of a larger effort to study bat coronaviruses, which are believed to be the source of SARS-CoV-2.

In addition to the NIH grant, Fauci also authorized funding for gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute through his own agency, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). This funding was part of a larger effort to study emerging infectious diseases.

Breggin argues that Fauci’s decision to outsource gain-of-function research to the CCP was reckless and irresponsible. He believes that this decision put millions of people at risk by creating an environment where a virus like SARS-CoV-2 could escape from a laboratory and spread around the world.

He has been involved in numerous initiatives that have sought to expand the power of global institutions, such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations (UN). He has also been a key figure in the development of international health regulations, which have been used to impose restrictions on countries around the world. Additionally, Fauci has been a vocal advocate for increased funding for global health initiatives and has worked closely with Chinese officials on various projects. Finally, he has close ties to powerful globalists such as Bill Gates and George Soros.

The technocrats believe that they are better equipped to make decisions about the world than elected politicians, and thus seek to replace traditional government with a system of their own design.

The main goal of technocracy is to create a more efficient and equitable society by using technology to manage resources, production, and distribution. This would be done through the use of data-driven decision making, automation, and artificial intelligence. Technocrats also believe that this system would reduce inequality by providing everyone with access to basic needs such as food, shelter, healthcare, education, and employment opportunities. Additionally, they argue that it would lead to greater economic growth and stability due to its ability to optimize resource allocation.

Fear Is the Tool of Tyrants

He argued that the governor’s edict was unconstitutional, and that it violated the rights of Ohioans to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Breggin also argued that the edict was causing significant harm to individuals and communities, including increased rates of depression, anxiety, substance abuse, domestic violence, suicide attempts, and other mental health issues. He concluded by recommending that the court issue an injunction to stop the governor from continuing his emergency edict.

The lawsuit seeks to challenge the fear-mongering and restore our constitutional rights. It is also important to note that this lawsuit is not about whether or not masks are effective, but rather about the right of individuals to make their own decisions about what is best for them and their families.

Fear appeal is a communication strategy used to motivate people to take action by arousing fear. It is based on the idea that fear can be an effective motivator for people to change their behavior. Fear appeals are often used in public health campaigns, such as those aimed at reducing smoking or encouraging people to get vaccinated. The goal of these campaigns is to create a sense of urgency and encourage people to take action. By creating a sense of fear, the hope is that people will be more likely to take the necessary steps to protect themselves and others from harm.

It’s been around since the 1950s, and it’s still used today. Fear appeal is a type of persuasive communication that uses fear to motivate people to take action. It can be used in advertising, public service announcements, political campaigns, and other forms of communication. The goal of fear appeal is to create an emotional response that will lead to a desired behavior or attitude change. Fear appeals are often used to encourage people to take preventive measures against health risks or other dangers.”

Second, you have to make sure that the public health measures are seen as being beneficial and not punitive. Third, you have to be able to communicate the message in a way that is understandable and accessible to the public. Finally, it said that it is important to use stories and anecdotes to illustrate the point and make it more relatable.

Public health is a top-down, authoritarian model. It’s a model that says, “We know best. We’re going to tell you what to do.” And it’s a model that has been used for centuries to control populations and to keep them in line.

And so I started looking at the history of public health and how it has been used as a tool of social control. And I was shocked by what I found. Public health has been used as a tool of social control since the dawn of civilization. It’s been used to control populations, to limit their freedom, and to keep them in line with the ruling elite.

In ancient Egypt, public health was used to control the population by limiting access to food and water and by controlling who could enter or leave certain areas. In medieval Europe, public health was used as a tool of social control by imposing harsh punishments on those who violated public health regulations. In colonial America, public health was used as a way to maintain racial segregation and limit the rights of African Americans. And in modern times, public health has been used as a way to restrict access to healthcare and limit people’s ability to make decisions about their own bodies and lives.

It’s the idea that one size fits all, and that what works in one place will work everywhere.

Public health officials do have a responsibility to consider the context of any given situation when making decisions about public health interventions. This means taking into account local culture, resources, and infrastructure when designing and implementing public health strategies. It also means understanding how different populations may be affected differently by certain interventions, and tailoring approaches accordingly. Ultimately, public health officials must strive to ensure that their interventions are effective, equitable, and respectful of local contexts.

but also by the most liberal democracies.

Public health is a field of study that focuses on the prevention and control of disease, injury, and other health-related issues in populations. It is an interdisciplinary field that draws from many different disciplines such as medicine, epidemiology, sociology, economics, psychology, nutrition, public policy, and environmental science. Public health works to promote healthy lifestyles and prevent disease through education, research, policy development, and advocacy. It seeks to improve the overall health of communities by addressing factors such as poverty, access to healthcare services, environmental hazards, and social determinants of health. Public health professionals work to ensure that all people have access to quality healthcare services and resources in order to lead healthy lives.

At the bottom are everyday people, who are struggling to make ends meet and often don’t have access to the same resources as those at the top. They are often left out of decision-making processes and their voices are not heard. This creates a power imbalance that can lead to inequality and injustice.

The U.S. has long been a major player in the global economy, but Trump’s policies have put the country at odds with many of its allies and trading partners. Trump has imposed tariffs on imports from China, Mexico, Canada and other countries, and he has threatened to withdraw from the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). He has also pulled out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a trade deal between 12 Pacific Rim countries that was negotiated under President Obama.

The Psychology of Learned Helplessness

Fear of the virus has been used to encourage people to stay home, wear masks, and practice social distancing. It has also been used to encourage people to get vaccinated when available.

Fear can be a powerful tool for controlling populations, but it can also have negative consequences. Fear can lead to panic and irrational decisions that can cause more harm than good. It can also lead to feelings of helplessness and despair, which can further exacerbate the problem. For this reason, it is important for governments and other organizations to use fear responsibly and in moderation when attempting to control populations.

This can be a useful tool in helping someone to move away from fear and into a more productive state of mind. It can also help to break down barriers that may have been preventing them from making progress.

The best way to combat this fear propaganda is to become informed and educated about the facts. We need to be aware of the tactics being used by governments and corporations, and how they are manipulating us into a state of helplessness. We also need to be aware of our own power and ability to make positive changes in our lives, and in the world around us. By understanding our own power, we can resist the fear propaganda and take back control of our lives.

So, as we grow up, we learn to take control of our environment. We learn to manipulate it, to shape it, to make it more comfortable for us. We learn how to get what we want and how to avoid what we don’t want. We learn how to be in control of our lives and the world around us.

But this can also lead us down a path of feeling like we have to be in control all the time. We can become obsessed with having everything go our way and trying to make sure that nothing bad ever happens. This can lead us into a state of anxiety or fear because we feel like if something goes wrong, it’s our fault and that we should have been able to prevent it.

The truth is that life is unpredictable and uncontrollable at times. No matter how hard you try, there will always be things outside of your control that you cannot change or influence. It’s important to remember this and accept that sometimes things won’t go your way no matter how hard you try.”

Yes, that is true. We all have moments of feeling helpless and in need of being saved. We often look to others for help and guidance, or turn to substances or activities that can provide us with a sense of comfort and security. It is important to remember that we are all capable of taking care of ourselves and finding our own solutions to our problems.

From Fear to Anxiety to Desperation

By introducing confusion into the mix, you can help to break the cycle of fear and anxiety and bring the individual back to a more rational state of mind. This can be done through techniques such as cognitive restructuring, which involves challenging irrational thoughts and replacing them with more realistic ones. Additionally, relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation can help to reduce physical tension and bring an individual back to a calmer state of mind.

I was terrified. I was scared of the ocean, scared of the war, scared of the Nazis. And so I’ve been looking at fear my whole life.”

Breggin believes that fear can be a powerful motivator, but it can also be paralyzing and lead to irrational decisions. He encourages people to take a step back and look at their fears objectively in order to make better decisions. He also suggests that people use their fears as an opportunity to learn more about themselves and the world around them.

I remember the fear of the unknown, the uncertainty of what was to come. I remember being scared and not knowing what to do or how to protect myself. I remember feeling helpless and powerless in the face of such tragedy. But I also remember that despite all this fear, we still found ways to come together and support each other. We found strength in our community and resilience in our spirit. We found courage in our hearts and hope in our minds. We were able to overcome these fears and move forward with a renewed sense of purpose and determination.

Dr. Fauci has been a leader in the fight against COVID-19 since the beginning, and he has consistently urged people to take the virus seriously and to follow public health guidelines. He has also been vocal about the need for people to be aware of the risks associated with the virus and to take precautions to protect themselves and others. While Dr. Fauci may have said “Be afraid,” he has also emphasized that fear should not prevent people from taking necessary steps to protect themselves and their communities.

Yes, this is an actual public health principle. It is based on the idea that people are more likely to be healthy and productive when they feel safe and secure in their environment, have access to resources, and have a sense of purpose. This principle has been used to inform public health policies such as providing access to healthcare, promoting physical activity, and encouraging healthy eating habits.

The Biology of Fear

When you experience fear, your body releases a hormone called adrenaline. This hormone triggers the “fight or flight” response, which is an automatic reaction to danger. Your heart rate increases, your breathing becomes shallow and rapid, and your muscles tense up. You may also experience sweating, trembling, nausea, and dizziness. All of these physical reactions are designed to help you respond quickly and effectively to the perceived threat.

At the same time, your brain is also affected by fear. The amygdala—the part of the brain responsible for emotions—sends signals to other parts of the brain that control behavior and decision-making. This can lead to irrational thoughts and behaviors that can make it difficult to think clearly or make rational decisions in a fearful situation.

The good news is that with practice, you can learn how to control your fear response and calm down in stressful situations. Mindfulness techniques such as deep breathing exercises can help you stay focused on the present moment instead of worrying about what might happen in the future. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can also help you identify negative thought patterns that contribute to fear and replace them with more positive ones. With practice, these techniques can help you manage fear more effectively so that it doesn’t take over your life.

That’s the kind of support we need.”

The best way to provide this kind of support is to be a source of comfort and reassurance. Listen to the person, validate their feelings, and offer words of encouragement. Remind them that they are not alone and that you are there for them. Offer practical solutions such as deep breathing exercises or other relaxation techniques. Encourage them to talk about their worries and fears in order to gain perspective on the situation. Finally, remind them that anxiety is a normal emotion and it will pass with time.

The Biden Administration and Dr. Fauci have been clear that they are taking the pandemic seriously and are doing everything they can to protect public health. They have also been clear that the pharmaceutical industry should not be profiting off of the pandemic, and have taken steps to ensure that vaccines are available to everyone at no cost.

The Antidotes to Corruption Are Reason, Love and Liberty

They wanted to bring the truth to light and help people who were suffering from psychiatric drugs. Breggin and Ginger began to research the effects of psychiatric drugs on the brain, and they soon discovered that these medications could cause serious harm. They also found that many of the claims made by drug companies about their products were false or exaggerated. Breggin and Ginger then wrote books, gave lectures, and testified in court cases to spread awareness about the dangers of psychiatric drugs. Their work has helped countless people who have been harmed by these medications, and it has also led to changes in how psychiatrists prescribe them.

“But I think the biggest challenge was to convince people that we had the business acumen and the ability to actually make this a commercial success.”

He says he was able to do that by showing potential investors his track record of successful businesses.

“I’ve been involved in a number of start-ups, and I’ve been successful in all of them,” he says. “So I think that gave me credibility with investors.”

and then to do something about it.”

The best way to combat corruption is to take action. This can include speaking out against it, reporting it when you see it, and advocating for laws and policies that will help prevent it. It also means holding those in power accountable for their actions and ensuring that they are held responsible for any wrongdoing. Additionally, individuals can support organizations that are working to fight corruption and advocate for transparency and accountability in government. Finally, people can educate themselves on the issue of corruption so they can better understand how it works and how to combat it.

What’s at Stake

“Helping others is a powerful antidote to helplessness.” This could include volunteering, mentoring, or simply being there for someone who needs support. Additionally, it can be helpful to join a support group or find an online community of people who are going through similar experiences. This can provide a sense of connection and understanding that can help reduce feelings of helplessness.

We were promised a meaningful one.”

This is an inspiring message that encourages us to stay strong and persevere in the face of adversity. It reminds us that life may not always be easy, but it can still be meaningful if we choose to make it so. By setting an example of success and resilience, we can inspire others to do the same and create a ripple effect of positivity.

The best way to do this is to make sure that we are all doing our part to protect our democracy. This means voting, staying informed, and speaking out against injustice. It also means supporting organizations that are fighting for civil rights and social justice. We must also work together to ensure that everyone has access to the resources they need in order to live a healthy and safe life.

What’s going on in the world right now is a struggle for power. It’s a struggle between different groups of people, different nations, different ideologies, and different interests. And if you want to make progress in this world, you have to understand that power dynamics are at play and you have to be willing to engage in those struggles. You can’t just sit back and hope that things will get better on their own. You have to actively work to shape the future you want to see.

He is a figure of monopoly.

The predatory globalists are not for liberty. They are motivated by wealth and power, and they have used their power to manipulate the political systems of many countries in order to further their own interests. They have also used their wealth to influence public opinion and shape public policy in ways that benefit them and their allies. They have created a system of crony capitalism that has allowed them to amass even more wealth and power, while leaving ordinary citizens with fewer economic opportunities and less political freedom.