Mass Psychosis Is the Most Viable Explanation for What We’re Seeing in America Today



  • Mass psychosis is defined as an epidemic of madness that occurs when a large portion of society loses touch with reality and descends into delusions
  • The witch hunts that occurred in the Americas and Europe during the 16th and 17th centuries, when tens of thousands of people, mostly women, were burned at the stake is a classic example of mass psychosis. The rise of totalitarianism in the 20th century is another
  • When a society descends into madness, the results are always devastating. Individuals who make up the affected society become morally and spiritually inferior, unreasonable, irresponsible, emotional, erratic and unreliable. Worst of all, a psychotic mob will engage in atrocities that any solitary individual within the group would normally never consider
  • The psychogenic steps that lead to madness includes a panic phase, where the individual is frightened and confused by events they cannot explain, and a phase of psychotic insight, where the individual explains their abnormal experience of the world by inventing an illogical but magical way of seeing reality that eases the panic and gives meaning to the experience
  • Menticide is a term that means “killing of the mind.†It’s a way of controlling the masses by systematically killing the human spirit and free thought. It’s a system through which the ruling elite imprints their own delusional worldview onto society. A society is primed for menticide by the intentional sowing of fear and social isolation

The best way to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is to practice social distancing, wear a face mask when in public, wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, avoid touching your face, cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough, clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily, and stay home if you are feeling sick.

It is typically caused by a combination of environmental, psychological, and social factors. Symptoms can include paranoia, hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized behavior. Mass psychosis can be treated with medication and psychotherapy.

This was characterized by the widespread acceptance of oppressive and authoritarian regimes, as well as the persecution of those who opposed them.

Man’s Worst Enemy

The most important thing to remember when using a computer is to save your work regularly. This will help ensure that you don’t lose any of your progress if the computer crashes or loses power. Additionally, it’s important to be aware of potential security risks and take steps to protect yourself from malicious software and hackers. Finally, it’s important to keep your computer up-to-date with the latest security patches and software updates.

  • “The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduce them. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.â€

“The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.â€

  • “It is not famine, not earthquakes, not microbes, not cancer, but man himself who is man’s greatest danger to man, for the simple reason that there is no adequate protection against psychic epidemics, which are infinitely more devastating than the worst of natural catastrophes.â€

They become unable to think rationally and make sound decisions. This can lead to chaos, violence, and destruction. The breakdown of social norms and values can also lead to a loss of trust in institutions, which can further destabilize the society. In extreme cases, it can even lead to civil war or other forms of conflict. Ultimately, when a society descends into madness, it is always a tragedy for everyone involved.

The power of the mob mentality is a dangerous thing, as it can lead to people doing things they would never do on their own. It can cause people to act in ways that are cruel and violent, and it can lead to a loss of individual identity and responsibility. The mob mentality can also lead to a lack of empathy for those affected by the group’s actions, as well as an inability to recognize the consequences of their actions. In extreme cases, this can result in horrific acts of violence and destruction.

What Causes Mass Psychosis?

These can include traumatic experiences, extreme stress, or a combination of both. In the case of an entire society, these same factors can be amplified and spread throughout the population. Traumatic events such as war, famine, or natural disasters can cause widespread psychological distress that can lead to collective madness. Extreme stress caused by oppressive regimes or economic hardship can also contribute to a society’s descent into insanity. In addition, certain ideologies or beliefs may be adopted by a large portion of the population that could lead to irrational behavior and mass hysteria.

However, an individual with a weaker psychological constitution may become overwhelmed and unable to cope. This can lead to a psychotic episode in which the person experiences delusions, hallucinations, and other symptoms of psychosis.

1) a person experiences an overwhelming amount of stress; 2) the person’s coping mechanisms become overwhelmed and fail to provide relief; 3) the person begins to experience a breakdown in reality testing, leading to confusion and disorientation; 4) the person begins to experience delusions, hallucinations, and other psychotic symptoms; 5) the person enters into a state of psychosis. During this time, it is important for the individual to receive professional help in order to regain control over their mental health.

  1. Phase of panic — Here, the individual begins to perceive the world around him or her in a different way and is frightened on account of it. There’s a perceived threat, whether it be real, fabricated or imagined. Confusion grows as they can’t find a way to rationally explain the strange occurrences taking place around them.
  2. Phase of psychotic insight — Here, the individual manages to explain his abnormal experience of the world by inventing an illogical but magical way of seeing reality. The term “insight†is used, because the magical thinking allows the individual to escape from the panic and find meaning again. However, the insight is psychotic, because it’s based on delusions.

The power of groupthink can be incredibly strong, and it can lead to a kind of collective madness. When people are in a group, they often become more susceptible to suggestion and less likely to think critically or independently. This can lead to the adoption of irrational beliefs and behaviors that would not be accepted by individuals on their own. Examples of this include religious cults, political extremism, and mob violence. In these cases, the group’s shared beliefs and values override individual thought processes, leading to a kind of mass hysteria that is difficult to break out of.

Totalitarianism Is a Society Built on Delusions

“Totalitarianism is a form of government in which the state seeks to control all aspects of life, including the economy, culture, education, and private life. It is characterized by an authoritarian or dictatorial leader who exercises absolute power over the state and its citizens.”

  • “The modern phenomenon of total centralized state power coupled with the obliteration of individual human rights: In the totalized state, there are those in power and there are the objectified masses, the victims.â€

The rulers become increasingly authoritarian and oppressive, while the ruled become increasingly passive and submissive. This creates a vicious cycle of power and control that is difficult to break.

The citizens of a totalitarian state are like schizophrenics in that they both live in a world of illusions and delusions, where reality is distorted and manipulated.

Meerloo argues that the citizens of a totalitarian state are unable to think for themselves, as their thoughts and beliefs are dictated by the ruling party. They become dependent on the government for their sense of security and identity, and any deviation from the accepted norms is punished severely. This creates an atmosphere of fear and paranoia, which further reinforces the delusional thinking. In this way, citizens become trapped in a cycle of delusion and oppression.

Meerloo also points out that both schizophrenics and those living under totalitarian rule have difficulty distinguishing between reality and fantasy. They may believe things that are not true or accept false information without question. This can lead to feelings of confusion, helplessness, and despair as they struggle to make sense of their situation.

Ultimately, Meerloo suggests that those living under totalitarian rule can be seen as victims of mental illness who need help in order to break free from their oppressive environment. He calls for greater understanding and compassion towards these individuals so that they can regain control over their lives.

The video also highlights the importance of personal responsibility and self-determination. It emphasizes that individuals must take ownership of their own lives and make decisions based on their own values, rather than relying on a ruling class to dictate their lives. It also stresses the importance of critical thinking and questioning authority, as well as the need for people to be aware of how they are being manipulated by those in power. Finally, it encourages people to stand up for what is right and reject any attempts at control or manipulation.

This delusion is then propagated to the masses, who are encouraged to believe that their rulers are infallible and that they must obey them without question. This creates a culture of fear and obedience, where people are afraid to speak out against the ruling class or challenge their authority. It also creates an environment where dissent is not tolerated and those who do not conform to the accepted norms are punished severely. Totalitarianism relies on this mass psychosis in order to maintain its power, as it allows the ruling class to control the population through fear and intimidation.

The ruling elite will use propaganda, censorship and other forms of psychological manipulation to control the population. They will also employ physical force and violence to suppress any dissent or opposition. In extreme cases, they may even resort to genocide in order to maintain their power. Ultimately, the goal of a totalitarian regime is to create an obedient and compliant population that is willing to accept its rule without question.

Killing of the Mind

This is done through propaganda, censorship, and other forms of manipulation. Menticide can also refer to the psychological damage caused by oppressive regimes or cults that use mind control techniques to manipulate their followers.

This pattern is repeated until the society is so overwhelmed by fear that it can no longer function.

The waves of terror technique can be used to manipulate a population into believing anything, even if it is false or irrational. It works by creating an atmosphere of fear and paranoia, which leads to people becoming more susceptible to suggestion and manipulation. This can be done through the use of propaganda, false news stories, and other forms of media manipulation. The goal is to create a sense of panic and confusion that will lead people to accept whatever narrative is being presented as truth. Once this has been achieved, it becomes much easier for those in power to control the population and shape their beliefs and behaviors according to their own agenda.

  • Contradictory reports, nonsensical recommendations and blatant lies are deployed intentionally, as it heightens confusion. The more confused a population is, the greater the state of anxiety, which reduces society’s ability to cope with the crisis. As the ability to cope withers, the greater the chances a mass psychosis will develop.

The government and its allies use fear to manipulate the public, creating an atmosphere of paranoia and distrust. They use a variety of tactics, such as exaggerating threats, spreading false information, and using scare tactics to create a sense of urgency. This is done in order to control the population and push their own agenda.

At the same time, they also work to discredit any opposing voices or sources of information that could challenge their narrative. They do this by attacking those who speak out against them or by creating false narratives that discredit their opponents. This creates an environment where it is difficult for people to trust anyone or anything outside of what the government tells them.

Ultimately, this type of fearmongering can lead to a breakdown in civil society as people become more divided and less likely to trust each other or cooperate with one another. It can also lead to increased violence as people become more desperate and willing to resort to extreme measures in order to protect themselves or their interests.

This psychosis can be used to manipulate the population into accepting a certain set of beliefs or behaviors.

The use of contradictory reports, nonsensical recommendations and blatant lies is a form of psychological warfare. It is designed to create an atmosphere of fear and confusion in order to control the population. By creating this atmosphere, those in power can manipulate public opinion and shape public behavior in ways that benefit their own interests. This type of manipulation has been used throughout history by governments and other powerful entities to gain control over people and resources.

“Confusion is the first step towards totalitarianism. It creates a state of mind in which people are more likely to accept authoritarian solutions and to surrender their freedom.”

  • “Logic can be met with logic, while illogic cannot. It confuses those who think straight. The big lie and monotonously repeated nonsense have more of an emotional appeal … than logic and reason. While the people are still searching for a reasonable counterargument to the first lie, the totalitarians can assault them with another.â€

The Rise of Technocracy

Governments can use these tools to spread propaganda, censor opposing views, and track citizens’ activities. They can also use them to create a culture of fear and paranoia, where people are constantly monitored and punished for any perceived dissent. This makes it much harder for people to organize or resist the government, as they are always under surveillance.

“The more we depend on machines, the less we use our own brains. We become like robots, and our thinking becomes automatic.”

Meerloo’s warning is particularly relevant in today’s world, where technology has become an integral part of everyday life. People are increasingly relying on algorithms to make decisions for them, from what to watch on Netflix to which stocks to invest in. This reliance can lead to a dangerous lack of critical thinking and an over-reliance on technology. Furthermore, the addictive qualities of modern technologies can lead people to be exposed to fear narratives that may not be based in reality or reason. It is important for people to remain aware of the potential dangers of technology and maintain their ability to think critically and independently.

  • “No rest, no meditation, no reflection, no conversation. The senses are continually overloaded with stimuli. Man doesn’t learn to question his world anymore. The screen offers him answers already made.â€

Isolation — A Mass Psychosis-Inducing Tool

1. You become more likely to believe in conspiracy theories and false information because you don’t have anyone to challenge your beliefs.

2. You become more likely to develop paranoia because you don’t have anyone to provide reassurance or comfort.

3. You become more likely to experience hallucinations and delusions due to the lack of external stimulation and input from others.

4. You become more likely to experience anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues due to the lack of social support and connection with others.

  1. You lose contact with corrective forces of positive examples, role models of rational thinking and behavior. Not everyone is tricked by the brainwashing attempts of the ruling elite, and these people can help free others from their delusions. When you’re in isolation, the power of these individuals greatly diminishes.
  2. Like animals, human behavior is significantly easier to manipulate when the individual is kept in isolation. As animal research has discovered, conditioned reflexes are most easily developed in a quiet, secluded laboratory with a minimum of stimuli to detract from the indoctrination.

The totalitarian rulers will use fear and intimidation to control the population. They will create a culture of surveillance and paranoia, where everyone is watched and no one can be trusted. They will also use propaganda to manipulate public opinion and shape the narrative in their favor. Finally, they will use violence to suppress dissent and crush any opposition.

It is a recipe for disaster, as it encourages people to act without thought or consideration of the consequences. Such an order can only lead to a society that is oppressive and stagnant, with no room for growth or progress.

How Can Mass Psychosis Be Reversed?

“The only way to get rid of totalitarianism is to become conscious of it.” This means understanding the underlying causes and effects of totalitarianism, and then taking action to counter them.

Second, you must work to create a culture that values freedom, democracy, and human rights. This includes supporting organizations that promote these values, such as Amnesty International or Human Rights Watch. It also means speaking out against oppressive regimes and their policies whenever possible. Finally, you must strive to build strong communities that are resilient in the face of adversity and can provide support for those affected by mass psychosis.

  • “It is not for nothing that our age cries out for the redeemer personality, for the one who can emancipate himself from the grip of the collective psychosis and save at least his own soul, who lights a beacon of hope for others, proclaiming that here is at least one man who has succeeded in extricating himself from the fatal identity with the group psyche.â€

You can share the truth through social media, blogs, and other online platforms. You can also organize protests, rallies, and other public events to spread the message. Additionally, you can write letters to newspapers and magazines or contact local radio and television stations to get your message out. Finally, you can reach out to influential people in your community who may be able to help spread the truth.

This strategy is based on the idea that citizens can create their own independent structures and activities that are not controlled by the government. These activities can include anything from creating a small business to organizing a protest or forming a political party. The goal of this strategy is to create an alternative society within the existing one, which can eventually lead to greater freedom and democracy. By creating these parallel structures, citizens can challenge the oppressive regime and work towards a more just society.

He writes, “Living within the truth means living in a state of constant tension between what is and what should be. It means never accepting the existing reality as definitive, but always striving to change it and to build something new.†This idea of creating a parallel culture is an effective way to resist oppressive forces without resorting to violence or other extreme measures. By creating a space where people can come together and share their experiences, they can create a sense of solidarity and strength that can help them resist oppressive forces.

This means speaking out against oppressive laws, organizing protests and rallies, and voting for candidates who will fight for the rights of all citizens. It also means educating oneself on the issues at hand and staying informed about current events. Only through collective action can we hope to prevent a descent into totalitarianism.

“These are the times that try men’s souls.”

It is up to us to stay strong and keep our wits about us. We must be vigilant in our search for truth and not be swayed by fear or emotion. We must remember that we are all in this together, and that we can make a difference if we stand together.

  • “Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered, yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.â€